Regular Decision Processes

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Regular Decision Processes (RDPs) have been recently introduced as a non-Markovian extension of MDPs that does not require knowing or hypothesizing a hidden state. An RDP is a fully observable, non-Markovian model in which the next state and reward are a stochastic function of the entire history of the system. However, this dependence on the past is restricted to regular functions. That is, the next state distribution and reward depend on which regular expression the history satisfies. An RDP can be transformed into an MDP by extending the state of the RDP with variables that track the satisfaction of the regular expression governing the RDP dynamics. Thus, essentially, to learn an RDP, we need to learn these regular expressions.

The works of Abadi and Brafman (Abadi and Brafman, 2020) and Ronca and De Giacomo (Ronca and De Giacomo, 2021) provide two significant contributions to the analysis and solution of RDPs.
The first work focuses on the use of a deterministic Mealy Machine to specify the RDP where, for each state-action pair, a cluster is emitted. Each cluster has an associated distribution over the system states and reward signal. Then, they formulate the first algorithm to learn RDPs from data that merges histories with similar distributions to generate the best model from which the Mealy Machine is produced. Finally, the latter is exploited to provide the distributions needed for running MCTS (Kocsis and Szepesvári, 2006), (David et all., 2010). Four domains (i.e., RotatingMAB, CheatMAB, MalfunctionMAB and RotatingMaze) are used for the evaluation.

On the other hand, the second work shows an algorithm that learns a probabilistic deterministic finite automaton (PDFA) that represents RDP. Then, it computes an intermediate policy by solving the MDP obtained from the PDFA. From such policy, the final one is derived by composing it with the transition function of the PDFA. The whole process, repeated multiple times, ensures to reach an $\epsilon$-optimal policy in polynomial time.

Our project consists of the implementation of the algorithm provided by (Abadi and Brafman, 2020) without considering propositions while trying to reproduce the same results as the authors.



The Abadi and Branfam algorithm, called Sample Merge Mealy Model (S3M), follows these steps:

Monte Carlo Tree Search

Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) uses Monte Carlo simulation to accumulate value estimates to guide towards highly rewarding paths in the search tree. In other words, MCTS pays more attention to nodes that are more promising, so it avoids having to brute force all possibilities which is impractical to do.

At its core, MCTS consists of 4 steps:

Setup Environment

We implemented our code in Python and we relied on the FlexFringe2library to generate theMealy Machine. We evaluated our algorithm on four different domains, belonging to 2 families:Non Markovian Multi-Arm Bandit (MAB) and Rotating Maze.


we compare two setups for each domain: i) only MCTS ii) S3M algoritm with pure exploration policy + MCTS, so to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm proposed by Abadi and Brafman. The outcomes are depicted in following Figure. We illustrate the average reward collected by the first two algorithms during learning. Fifty trials were carried out using the currently learned Mealy Machine. MAB trials were ten steps (episode) long, while Maze trials terminated after 15 steps if the agent did not meet the goal. Except for the CheatMAB, Random Sampler performspretty well, although its cumulative reward is generally significantly lower. A deeper examination of the Maze domain reveals that the performance difference is what we would anticipate if we disregard non-Markovian behaviour—the margin is less than in the MAB domains. In RL, proper exploration is crucial. In RDPs, exploring states is not enough; we also need to collectstatistics on histories. It is fascinating to compare the results of the two techniques in this aspect. In all of the graphs, we can see how the S3M method, based solely on pure exploration, contributes more than the only MCTS approach. In particular, we can see how the difference between thetwo algorithms in the MAB domains is more pronounced, but the results in the MAZE are pretty similar, but this is due to the complexity of the domain itself. In the next section, we will look atwhy S3M can provide benefits and what we consider to be the most significant factors that allow S3M to outperform the single MCTS.


Our S3M performance analysis mainly focused on the RotatingMAB domain, which is the simplestof those proposed. In actuality, it is defined by only two states - losing (0,) and winning (1,) - forwhich the agent receives a zero or full reward. A Mealy Machine should theoretically get closerto the ideal with each iteration of S3M, as explained in the Section 3. For this reason, it is crucialto know which Mealy Machine we should get. Further detail in the report.

Complex Domain

We created a domain similar to Rotating Maze but proved exceedingly challenging for both theS3M and PAC-RL algorithms. It is made out of a grid domain that contains the agent, his “opponent”, and the goal that the agent must achieve. The Figure below shows our domain in the initial situation. The antagonist moves at each agent’s action toward one of the four surrounding cells according to a distribution. The rotation of the grid depends on the moves of both the agent and its antagonist. More precisely, the grid rotates every n chosen actions, with n >=5 , just as it does in the Rotating Maze. If the agent goes in the same cell of its opponent the algorithm will start over and the agent will be forced to try again to reach the goal.


